The customer: 'the guest of honour'.

We do not always describe situations that occur after a purchase, but also at various other stages, and this time we describe what is good to do during a sale, a very important situation in our daily lives and one that makes the difference between one shop and another. It is also the phase most 'scrutinised' by the sales management of the various brands through the use of 'mystery customers', who, after each incognito visit, give a score based on the seller's behaviour, which seems very fair to us in the common interest and to give an ever better image of our category. In general, in the commercial environment one needs style, preparation, attention and respect for people, in our case for customers. How many times have we complained when, having gone to a shop or a craftsman or an office, we have been treated with superficiality, lack of attention, insufficient preparation, lack of punctuality or rudeness? Well, never, ever, should this happen in our shops, and moreover in those that as 'ambassadors' represent and sell top-of-the-range watches which, as we well know, need to be accompanied by information not only about the product itself, but also about who produces it, where it is produced and the long history that has made a brand a special Maison, an excellence in its own panorama, something that exudes absolute passion and dedication. Only in this way will we fully represent the fascination of our craft, the skills we have acquired through years of hard work, the study of the subject matter and the time spent poking around in those many small, ingenious mechanisms. A customer is an honoured guest and should be treated as such, we should take the time to satisfy his every curiosity, we should make him feel at ease, relaxed and without pressure from us. We just have to guide him, confirm his certainties, make him happy, if anything expand on the news that he can only get from us, describing everything that lies behind the 'scenes'. Allow us the example: it is like taking a child by the hand to Disneyland, the realm of his dreams and idols, which he will finally be ready to embrace.
