Multifunctional with a history

Multifunzione con una storia

Yes, it is true, square digital watches are a bit 'nerdy'. Pass the underwater multifunction with depth gauge or the wrist computer for ski mountaineering (even if you then limit yourself to the kids' blue track), but otherwise the digital watch reminds us a bit of the school 'nerd' who, in the modern version, spent all his time on the computer in front of video games.

But if the 'loser' in question was ourselves, let us not be ashamed! Let us reclaim this identity of ours, and reminisce about the good times with the new watches of the Nixonwhich reintroduce the old favourites Tetris and Pong in a wristwatch version. We can thus challenge our watch (which incidentally also tells the time and date) to a deadly challenge to digital tennis, that of the two sticks bouncing a small pixel from one side of the dividing line to the other. Now that's multifunctionality!
