Porsche Design sponsors the Cayenne Artic Route Adventure group

Porsche Design sponsorizza il gruppo Cayenne Artic Route Adventure

Since the summer of 2007 Porsche Design supports the Cayenne Artic Route Adventure: 10 friends who, with a spirit of adventure, have braved ice, dirt roads and prohibitive routes, with the desire to travel and get to know the landscapes and people of the Great North on board a Porsche Cayenne.

In 2009, the Cayenne Artic Route Adventure group decided to organise a journey to Scotland and Ireland, crossing France (both outward and return journeys) and England. The cars, five Cayennes, will cover 7,500 kilometres.

This 4th trip, as well as the previous ones, will be officially supported by Porsche Italia, which has provided the 5th car.

In order to grow further and be visible, the group of participants decided to open as many as six sites:






