Watchmaking school with Rocca

Tour Rocca "A scuola di orologeria"
Tour Rocca 'At watchmaking school'

A fascinating journey inside the mysterious time machine: this is the aim of the 'A school of watchmaking' tour, promoted by Rocca in collaboration with Jaeger-LeCoultre. A course that took place around Italy (Milan, Mantua, Padua and Pescara), from April to May 2010, which allowed some lucky customers of the prestigious luxury chain's shops in the watch and jewellery sector Armed with a white coat, monocle and technical instruments, a number of collectors of high-end watches or simple customers were able to realise their dream of sitting at the classic wooden watchmaker's bench and follow the lessons held by a specialised master. Specifically, the course included a theoretical lecture on the workings of the watch's internal mechanism, complete with an analysis of each component, and an interactive hands-on workshop that tested the watchmaking skills of the students present, mostly customers aged 25 to 45 in the sessions held in northern Italy, and 40 to 70 in those in the south. The tour will resume next autumn and will touch other Italian cities.
