The first stage of the travelling cultural tour 'Spaziando con il quiz', which will continue in Italy's most beautiful squares, dedicated to space, flight, astronomy, meteorology and science, left Brescia on 31 October. The location was Piazza della Loggia and the theme was Mars and the mission to the red planet that will start in 2010 (in this regard, we refer you to the article dedicated to the mission to Mars and the sponsorship of the Fortis on L'Orologio Speciale Almanacco coming out in early December). The event, based on a series of questions asked to seven contestants chosen from the public, was hosted by meteorologist Andrea Giuliacci and Space TV's Paolo Manila. In addition to Space TV, Fortis and Brescia's Gioielleria Fasoli collaborated on the event, setting up its shop windows for the occasion.
You can watch the video of the event, broadcast on Sky at the end of November, on the website of Space TV.