Vittorio Malingri launches Royal Oak

Vittorio Malingri vara Royal Oak

Vittorio Malingri presented to the public and the press, Royal Oak, the 6-metre non-inhabitable catamaran (made entirely of carbon), with which the Milanese ocean sailor will tackle his new challenge: to set the first solo record, unassisted and non-stop, on the ocean route from Dakar in Senegal to Guadeloupe in the Lesser Antilles (2545 miles).

Partners in the operation are Audemars Piguetwhich has been supporting the most important sailing challenges at an international level for years, and Citroën, which recently chose to support Team Malingri by providing, among other things, a C-Crosser, Citroën's new SUV, with which Vittorio Malingri will transfer Royal Oak to its destination on the land route from Paris to Dakar. Once Dakar is reached by land, Royal Oak will return to the water for the final testing phase.

It will be the famous French meteorologist Pierre Lasnier who will set the starting date for the record. Lasnier, in fact, is a partner of the Malingri team in the challenge, and will have to indicate the ideal 'weather window' for the start. At the moment, the attempt is scheduled between the last week of March and the first week of April.
