Appointment with art

The Orangery of the Villa Reale in Monza will host, from 6 to 23 September, the first edition of the 'INDART - Industries Join Art' exhibition, an innovative event that promotes artistic production sustained and supported by a patronage culture linked to the industrial fabric of the country. In fact, the exhibition features twenty contemporary artists paired with ten Italian companies of excellence that, with their talent and creativity, have transformed the raw materials made available to them by the project partners (aluminium, fabric, Plexiglas, paper, steel, rubber and glass) into twenty new works of art - including paintings, collages, sculptures and unique installations, specially created for the occasion. On the occasion of the exhibition's finissage on Thursday 20 September, again at the Orangerie, a dinner will be organised to finance the activities of the Maria Letizia Verga Committee for the study and treatment of children's leukaemia. Subsequently, the exhibition will be shown, from 27 September to 5 October, in the Principality of Monaco at Kamil Art Gallery. At the end of the exhibition, an auction will be organised during a gala dinner at the Yacht Club de Monaco. An event that will be attended by Princess Stéphanie of Monaco, president of one of the two associations that will benefit from the sale of the works. Part of the proceeds of the auction will finance the activities of the Association Fight Aids Monaco, which has been committed for years to the fight against Aids and to information, prevention and support for sufferers, and the Maria Letizia Verga Committee. A comprehensive catalogue published by Bellavite editore with texts in Italian and French accompanies the exhibition.

Exhibition coordinates Villa Reale di Monza - Orangerie
Title: INDART - Industries Join Art
Headquarters: Villa Reale di Monza - Orangerie, Viale Brianza 1, 20900 Monza
Dates: 6 - 23 September 2018
Opening: Wednesday 5 September, 6.30 pm
Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10 am - 7 pm; Saturday - Sunday 10 am - 7.30 pm. Monday closed
Entrance: free
Public info: Tel. +39 039 2326183

Show coordinates and auction Monaco
Title: INDART - Industries Join Art
Exhibition venue: Kamil Art Gallery, Emile Palace 3, Av. Princesse Grace, 98000 Monaco
Dates: 27 September - 5 October 2018
Opening: Wednesday, 26 September, 7 p.m.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday closed
Entrance: free
Public info: Tel. +377.

Auction venue and gala dinner: Yacht Club de Monaco (by invitation)
Date: Friday 5 October 2018
