Hamilton behind the scenes

It has been a long time since Hamilton "hangs out" in Hollywood and the world of celluloid. Observing the enormous work done behind the scenes of a film set, the House decided to reward all those people who work on the making of a film, from the costumes to the accessories that flesh out a specific scene, to the scenery and filming. Therefore, for the sixth time Hamilton organised the Behind the Camera Awards (on 9 November), in collaboration with Hollywood Life Magazine, to honour backstage film talent. Nominees for the awards are selected by Movieline, Hollywood Life Magazine's specialised film department, from new films released during the year and/or presented at prestigious festivals such as Cannes, Toronto, Venice and the Festival of American Film Institute. This year the following categories will be awarded:

- Director

- Manufacturer

- Screenwriter

- Artistic Director

- Director of Photography

- Film editor

- Costume designer

- Cascatore

- Special effects director.

- Property Master.
