Inauguration of the new Pisa Orologeria boutique

On 23 February, at Via Verri 7 in Milan, Pisa Orologeria inaugurated its new boutique together with numerous guests welcomed by Maristella and Chiara Pisa. The evening was enlivened by the performance of three artists who represented the passing of time with a dance accompanied by crystal spheres that ran through the body and floated in the air as if they were planets in perpetual motion. The music was provided by Claudio Coccoluto, accompanied by two saxophonists. The setting of the new watch shop was striking, a modern space of over 1,200 square metres made out of fine materials. What attracted the attention of those present was the projection of the video that took them on a journey through nature and modern life told in different rhythms, slowed down and sped up, leading to a reflection on the dimension of time.
