Louis Vuitton - Together with SOS Children's Villages for the SOS crèche in Turin

Louis Vuitton renews this year its support for SOS Children's Villages Italy, an international association committed to welcoming children without family care and developing support programmes for families in difficulty. Louis Vuitton and SOS Children's Villages are linked by a five-year international partnership, signed in 2010, which aims to develop the "Partnership for Children's Future" programme at local level, in the various countries where the Association is present, to give less fortunate children around the world a future based on safety, education and training.

In 2013, Louis Vuitton and SOS Children's Villages adopted the SOS crèche in Turin, which was in danger of closing after 125 years of activity. Thanks to SOS Children's Villages and Louis Vuitton, the SOS crèche will continue its mission: to welcome children from 12 to 36 months of age to guarantee them a peaceful childhood and balanced psycho-physical development.

The patroness of SOS Children's Villages, Alena Seredova, inaugurates the renovated SOS Kindergarten today, Tuesday 22 October: a more welcoming environment and a new safe space in which to play, explore, build and invent. Thanks to Louis Vuitton, it was possible to equip the nursery with a new terrace, completely renovated and brought up to safety standards for the protection and safety of the children. All children will also be provided with new layettes. Finally, Louis Vuitton supports the costs of fees for children whose families are in financial difficulty.

For donations to the SOS Village:

Donation by bank transfer to bank account 100000018291 made out to:

SOS Children's Villages Onlus Association

at Banca Prossima - Intesa Sanpaolo Group - Milan Branch

Piazza Paolo Ferrari 10 - 20121 Milan

IBAN: IT42N0335901600100000018291 Swift/BIC: BCITITMX. Causale LVVOST

Donation on Postal Order No. 304386

Headed to Associazione SOS Villaggi dei Bambini Onlus, Via Hermann Gmeiner, 25 38100 Trento.

