Closure risk
for many watchmaking workshops

After the successful demonstration on 13 November 2015 in front of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Goldsmiths' Association of Lombardy (a member of Federpreziosi-Confcommercio), which hosts within it the National Watch Repairers' Category, has collected declarations of the state of economic distress of many watch supply workshops and warehouses due to the distribution restrictions of spare parts implemented by manufacturers. In fact, as many as 267 workshops and/or warehouses have declared their current state of collapse, a prelude to forthcoming, if not imminent, closures. And this, strange to say, in a context of strong demand for work and watchmaking assistance. In recent months, then, the stranglehold of Swiss watchmakers' bans and restrictions has become even more pronounced. Europe, instead of being on the side of European watchmakers, has shown indifference and twice, in 2008 and 2014, the European Commission itself has turned its face the other way. A second appeal to the European Court of Justice is still pending. The position taken by Europe and the excessively long time taken by its justice system risk giving way to the de facto monopoly of the large Swiss watchmaking multinationals, which would lead to the definitive disappearance of independent watchmaking workshops. The Ministry of Economic Development and the Italian government represent the last resort of 'resistance' for Italian watchmakers in order not to die. The Goldsmiths' Association of Lombardy appeals to the oft-proclaimed will of our government to safeguard work, and in particular that of the craftsman, in order to avert the disappearance of a historical and widespread craft. The convening by the Goldsmiths' Association of Lombardy together with Confcommercio and Confartigianato at the Ministry of Economic Development on 15 March 2016 is the first step towards a fair and concerted solution to the supply problem that guarantees the present and future of Italian watchmakers. Joining this appeal are the thousands of watchmakers spread across the territory who also suffer, directly or indirectly, the economic damage of the lack of assistance.
