Official assistance

People are often convinced that official service is more expensive than independent watchmakers or that there are even price differences between the various authorised service centres. This is not really the case and this does not only apply to our specific sector, but also to other product categories (cars, motorbikes, household appliances, photographic equipment). However, if there are differences, they are minimal compared to what is described below. My grandfather used to say: the less you spend the more you spend... And I agree with his motto. First of all, it must be stressed and clarified that official service centres must apply repair prices dictated by the parent companies, they must carry out complete interventions according to precise specifications (starting from the mechanism up to the 'polissage') that include compulsory replacements of mechanical parts whatever their state of wear. There is also a warranty on repairs. Of course, original spare parts are essential: no worn part is ever polished or restored but always replaced, lubricants are those dictated by the manufacturer's official specifications, and this also applies to washing liquids, used in the most modern and sophisticated machinery. You will say that all this (compared to the intervention of an independent watchmaker) costs more. There are also other factors to consider for the cost differences, which also exist from city to city; the location of the work (perhaps in a downtown building) also counts. And then think of the cost of a workshop with eight or more specialised technicians who are constantly updated with courses at Swiss factories, all with very expensive equipment (I would add in a safe and compliant environment with respect for every rule dictated by the legislator, including waste disposal). It is therefore true that the cost of work carried out in an authorised centre is higher, but the final price of the repair for the customer does not change, it remains that dictated by the brand. You have to consider that for some companies, especially well-known ones with a track record, providing direct customer service is a must at the cost of enormous economic sacrifices and resources diverted from other, more profitable sectors. It remains an added value that is not always easy to maintain but which certainly gives an excellent image of attachment to one's craftsmanship. The advice, therefore, is always to entrust your precious watch into safe hands: you will certainly get excellent service, a clear price with a detailed description of the interventions, the costs for each specification and a product returned as it was manufactured.
